Discontinuance of the Acceptance of the Paper DC 2000 Employment Application for Competitive Appointments


Effective Date: Expiration Date: Chapters:
Sept. 6, 2013 March 26, 2023 31  


The purpose of this instruction is to inform management officials and employees in general, and the general public that:

  1. Effective September 9, 2013, the D.C. Department of Human Resources (DCHR) will no longer accept paper, scanned, faxed or emailed submissions of the DC 2000 Employment Application (DC 2000). This change, which continues the District government's "green" initiative, will require job applicants to submit online applications for posted vacancies via the DCHR website (www.dchr.dc.gov).
  2. Through the online submission process, job applicants will receive instant notification and confirmation of their submitted application. In addition, job applicants will receive status updates to those job positions for which they have applied. District agencies will also be able to utilize a streamlined process, where they can view all applications submitted in real time and in one system.
  3. Though DCHR is discountinuing the acceptance of paper applications for competitive appointments (including those applications scanned, faxed or emailed), please be advised that any paper applications received in DCHR prior to September 9, 2013 and by the closing date on the vacancy will be accepted. 


  1. I-31B-14