Personnel Action Submissions Checklist


Effective Date: Expiration Date: Chapters:
March 15, 2023 When Superseded 2   31  


Whenever a subordinate agency makes a competitive or non-competitive personnel change, the agency must submit a Personnel Action Request (PAR) to the D.C. Department of Human Resources (DCHR) for processing into the PeopleSoft Human Resource Management System (HRMS). To ensure efficient and accurate processing, agencies should submit personnel actions to DCHR along with a Checklist for Submission of Personnel Actions (DCHR Form No.32-02). This issuance provides general information on the various types of competitive and noncompetitive personnel actions and provides information on the required documentation for each action.

NOTE: This issuance supersedes issuance I-2018-09, Personnel Action Submissions Checklist, and has been updated to provided clarifying guidance on how to properly execute approved PARs for new hires.

Submitting a Request

When submitting documents to hire new employees, or to make changes to an employee’s record, the employing agency must submit a personal action request (PAR) to DCHR for processing. To submit a request, agencies must use DCHR Form No. 32-02 (Attachment 1), and submit the form with any supporting documentation that is required according to the types of actions outlined in this issuance. Tier 1 and Tier 2 agencies should submit their request via PeopleSoft. Tier 3 agencies should contact their assigned HRSA HR specialist or submit their request via email at [email protected].

Competitive Personnel Actions

Competitive actions are appointments resulting from open competition after the posting of a vacancy announcement (job requisition). These appointments generally include:

  • Initial appointments (first time employment with the District government);
  • Conversions (movement from one service to another);
  • Promotions (movement to a higher grade level within the same classification system and pay schedule, or movement to a higher representative rate in a different job classification system and pay schedule);
  • Reassignments (lateral movement to an agency under the same personnel authority, or movement from one position to another without promotion or demotion); and
  • Transfers (lateral movement to an agency within the same service under a different personnel authority).

Required Documents for Processing of Competitive Actions

For competitive actions, agencies must submit DCHR Form No. 32-02 in addition to the following documentation as applicable, unless otherwise noted:

  • Job Requisition / Announcement Number;
  • Budget Approval or Funding Certificate, if outside of required OCA approval or Waiver of OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form; OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form, if applicable.
  • Approved Position Number;
  • Position Description (include Optional Form 8);
  • Selection Certificate, e-Recruit screening results, Interview Scores, and Notes;
  • Signed Employment Application and Resume; or Resume only
  • Copy of Proposed Offer Letter;
  • Enhanced Suitability Clearance Document;
  • General Suitability Screening Checklist (e.g., proof of degree, employment references, and professional license);
  • Salary verification (as applicable); and
  • Justification memo (as applicable).

Additional Documents

When submitting requests for hiring or pay exceptions, proofs of hiring preference(s), additional income allowances, hiring bonuses, or compensation for travel or relocation, agencies must submit the following documents, as applicable:

  • Hiring & Pay Exceptions Request Form, DCSF No. 11B-10;
  • Proof of preference documents (Foster Care, Residency, or Veteran);
  • Additional Income Allowance or Hiring Bonus Forms; or
  • Travel and/or Relocation Expense Request.

Approval and Onboarding of New Hires

When an agency receives approval from DCHR for a PAR for an initial appointment to the District government, before the appointee can begin employment with the District government, the agency must submit a complete packet to DCHR containing all required documentation for processing the PAR, which includes a copy of the signed and executed offer letter for that potential new hire.

Individuals cannot attend New Employee Orientation (NEO) or perform any kind of work for the District government until DCHR receives a complete packet from the employing agency. Agencies cannot send NEO links to potential new hires or onboard those individuals in any capacity until a signed offer letter is on file with DCHR.

For employees subject to enhanced suitability. Before an employee awaiting an enhanced suitability determination can onboard and attend NEO, agencies must submit a complete packet which includes a signed conditional offer letter.

Non-Competitive Personnel Actions

Non-competitive personnel actions are personnel actions that do not qualify as being “competitive actions,” which change the status of an employee, or updates an employee’s personnel record. Agencies must submit DCHR Form No. 32-02 in addition to the required documentation for the appropriate non-competitive personnel action[1] outlined in the table provided in the proceeding pages.

[1] The definitions and procedures for these actions are non-exhaustive and are meant to serve as general guidance for the non-competitive personnel actions that require the submission of documentation to DCHR.
Type of Action Description Required Documentation

Change to Lower Grade

When an employee is changed to a lower grade as a result of performance issues, or a voluntary move on the part of the employee.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Position description with Optional Form 8 (classified within the last 3 years)
  • If the change is requested for a disciplinary or performance reason, a Notification of Final Decision
  • If the change to a lower grade is requested by the employee, a signed and dated memorandum requesting the change
  • OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form (or waiver), or Budget Approval Funding Certificate


A detail is a temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a specified period of no more than 120-days to an established position, or 240-days to an unestablished position. Details that last for a duration beyond the 120-days for established positions and the 240-days for unestablished positions must be approved by DCHR.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Position description with Optional Form 8 (classified within the last 3 years)
  • Statement of Duties (if detailed to an unclassified position
  • OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form (or waiver), or Budget Approval Funding Certificate

Time-Limited Appointments (TAPER, Temp, or Term Appointments)

Time-limited appointments are temporary appointments used to meet limited administrative needs, fill a temporary position, or fill a continuing position for a temporary period of time.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Approved position number
  • Position description with Optional Form 8 (Classified within the last 3 years
  • Signed Employment Application
  • General Suitability Screening Checklist
  • OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form (or waiver), or Budget Approval Funding Certificate

Extension of a Time-Limited Appointment

Extensions of time-limited appointments may not exceed the total amount allowed for the appointment type.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)

Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and Extensions of LWOP

When an employee is going on LWOP for 30 days or more, the agency must inform DCHR. Extensions of LWOP beyond 30 days should also be submitted to DCHR prior to expiration of the original request. If the initial LWOP is over 52 weeks, or the extension results in LWOP for over 52 weeks, DCHR approval is required.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Completed Form 1199, Request for Advance Leave or Leave Without Pay
  • Supporting documentation for why the employee needs LWOP

Employee Name Changes

When an employee legally has a new name that is different from their name at birth, marriage, or adoption.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Legal documentation to support the name change

Promotion (Non-Competitive)

When an employee is moved to a higher-graded level within the same job title and salary schedule.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Approved position number
  • Position description with Optional Form 8 (classified within last 3 years)
  • OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form (or waiver), or Budget Approval Funding Certificate

Temporary Promotion

Temporary promotions are promotions for periods of thirty (30) days or more, not to exceed one hundred eighty(180) days if made without competition.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Approved position number
  • Justification memorandum
  • Position description with Optional Form 8 (classified within the last 3 years)
  • Employment Application
  • OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form (or waiver), or Budget Approval Funding Certificate



When an employee moves from one position to another without a promotion or demotion.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Approved position number
  • Position description with Optional Form 8 (classified within last 3 years)
  • OCA Hiring Freeze Appeal Form (or waiver), or Budget Approval Funding Certificate

Return to Duty

Placement of an employee back in a pay and duty status after absence for non-pay reasons (e.g., furlough, suspension, or leave without pay).

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)

Separations (excluding retirements)

Voluntary or involuntary actions when an employee is no longer employed with the District government. Coordinate with DCHR’s Benefits and Retirements Administration for separations due to retirement or death.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Supporting documentation (e.g., expiration of appointment notice, removal notice, termination notice, or resignation letter)


Temporary placement of an employee in a nonduty, non-pay status for disciplinary reasons.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Supporting documentation (e.g., notification of final decision)


A transfer is the movement of an employee to another position within the same service under a different personnel authority.

  • Personnel Action Request (Signed/Approved in PeopleSoft)
  • Approved position number
  • Position description with Optional Form 8 (classified within the last 3 years)
  • OCA Hiring Freeze Approval Form (or waiver), or Budget Approval Funding Certificate



  1. D.C. Official Code § 1-604.06(a) & (b)
  2. Delegations and Sub-Delegations of Authority – Director of the D.C. Department of Human Resources and Agency Heads, Mayor’s Order 2008-92 (June 26, 2008)


The provisions of this issuance apply to those District government agencies which are subordinate to the Mayor’s personnel authority, and independent agencies serviced by or who use the HRMS maintained by DCHR.

Additional Information

For additional information concerning this instruction, please contact the DCHR’s Human Resources Solutions Administration, by calling (202) 442-9700 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].


  1. Checklist for Submission of Personnel Actions, Form No. 32-02

Issued by Interim Director E. Lindsey Maxwell II, Esq., D.C. Department of Human Resources on March 15, 2023, 3:18 p.m.