Revised Enhanced Suitability Screening Forms


Effective Date: Expiration Date: Chapters:
Nov. 19, 2019 When Superseded 4  


NOTE: This issuance revises the Enhanced Suitability Screening Forms (Attachment 36) of E-DPM Instruction No. 4-38, dated October 21, 2017. The forms provided as Attachments to this issuance supersede the forms provided in Attachment 36 of E-DPM Instruction No. 4-38. All other provisions of Instruction No.4-38 remain in effect.

The District government assesses the suitability (character, reputation, and fitness for duty) of each applicant, appointee, volunteer, and employee through uniform background checks, and drug and alcohol testing as deemed necessary. E-DPM Instruction No. 4-38 outlines the requirements for enhanced suitability screening for safety, protection, and security sensitive positions as indicated in Chapter 4, Suitability, of the D.C. personnel regulations. These requirements remain unchanged and in effect.

To better reflect concurrency with Federal and District law, and to improve the suitability investigation process, the District of Columbia Department of Human Resources has revised the language in the forms used for enhanced suitability screening. The language in the forms have been updated to include additional information on applicant legal rights and obligations, clarification for consumer credit checks, additional fields for applicant information, and to simplify the field names. This issuance provides these forms as Attachments.

For additional information concerning this issuance, please contact the Department of Human Resources, Policy and Compliance Administration, by calling (202) 442-9700 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].


  1. Attachment 1 - Criminal Background Check Authorization and Notification Form
  2. Attachment 2 - Criminal Background Disclosure
  3. Attachment 3 - Background Screening Form
  4. Attachment 4 - Safety Sensitive Notice of Requirements
  5. Attachment 5 - Individual Notification of Requirements Drug & Alcohol Testing: Protection-Sensitive
  6. Attachment 6 - Drug Free Workplace Notification
  7. Attachment 7 - Criminal Background Check Authorization and Notification Form - Spanish
  8. Attachment 8 - Criminal Background Disclosure - Spanish
  9. Attachment 9 - Background Screening - Spanish
  10. Attachment 10 - Protection Sensitive Notice - Spanish
  11. Attachment 11 - Safety Sensitive Notice

Issued by Director Ventris C. Gibson, D.C. Department of Human Resources on Nov. 19, 2019, midnight