Effective Date: | Expiration Date: | Chapters: |
Nov. 26, 2024 | May 11, 2025 | 12 |
This issuance serves as a reminder that District government employees may not carry over more than 240 hours of annual leave or more than 40 hours of universal leave beyond January 11, 2025. Employees are encouraged to use or donate their excess annual and universal leave (“accrued leave”). This issuance provides updated information on excess accrued leave for 2024, the opportunity to donate excess leave to the Annual Leave Bank Program, and accrued leave restored from 2020 and 2021.
District government employees may not carry over more than 240 hours of annual leave or more than 40 hours of universal leave beyond January 11, 2025. Employees are encouraged to use or donate their excess leave.
In certain situations, it may be necessary for a manager or supervisor to cancel an employee’s previously approved accrued leave request due to the demands of the agency or office. To cancel an annual or universal leave request, managers or supervisors can take one of the following actions, as appropriate, based on the leave approval process established by the agency.
For step-by-step instructions, see Attachment A – Withdrawal of Annual Leaving Using PeopleSoft.
To disapprove a leave request outside of PeopleSoft, complete a revised D.C. Standard Form (DCSF) 71, Application for Leave (or equivalent form), as appropriate. For instructions, see Attachment B - Withdrawal of Annual Leave Outside of PeopleSoft.
Managers and supervisors can obtain additional guidance related to recording time in PeopleSoft or completing the DCSF 71 (or equivalent form) from their agency timekeeper, Payroll Supervisor or Quality Assurance Liaison (or equivalent).
Annual leave that would otherwise be forfeited (lost) may be restored for later use if the annual leave was:
The Office of Pay and Retirement Services (OPRS) routinely disseminates guidance on annual leave restoration, and on required information that an agency must send to OPRS. District agencies are reminded that supporting documentation need not be included when sending leave restoration requests to OPRS but should be preserved in case they are later requested.
Employees with excess accrued leave are encouraged to donate their excess hours to the annual leave bank to support their colleagues.
Employees may also wish to donate to specific annual leave bank members. The District’s Annual Leave Bank Program allows employees to contribute unused, accrued annual leave to leave bank members who:
Employees may donate annual leave by completing the DCSF No. ALB-01 "Application to Donate Leave to the Leave Bank" form. The form must be submitted to the appropriate agency official no later than December 16, 2024. Agencies must forward all DCSF No. ALB-01 forms to DCHR’s Benefits and Retirement Administration’s inbox at [email protected] no later than December 23, 2024.
Coinciding with two years after the end of the Federal public health emergency, employees who had leave restored due to COVID-19 that was originally set to expire on April 30, 2024, will have until May 11, 2025, to use the leave. Any excess annual and universal leave that was accrued in 2020 and 2021 and is now seen as restored leave in PeopleSoft will be available for employees’ use through May 11, 2025.
The provisions of this issuance apply to those District government agencies which are subordinate to the Mayor’s personnel authority. Other personnel authorities or independent agencies may adopt any or all these procedures to provide guidance to employees under their respective jurisdictions.
In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions of this issuance and any collective bargaining agreement (CBA), the provisions of the CBA shall control to the extent there is a difference.
Issued by Director Charles Hall Jr., D.C. Department of Human Resources on Nov. 26, 2024, 3:28 p.m.