Effective Date: | Expiration Date: | Chapters: |
Oct. 31, 2022 | When Superseded | 2 9 36 38 |
From time to time, employees will leave District government service to pursue new opportunities. This issuance provides guidance on how an employee may voluntarily separate from the District government, and how agencies should process voluntary separations.
A District government employee may choose to voluntarily separate from their employment by resigning or retiring from their position. A separation action is considered “voluntary” if the employee:
Resignations are initiated when an employee informs their manager or HR representative that they are leaving District government employment. While written notice and professional courtesy is preferred, a resignation may be made verbally or through action (e.g., walking off the job). (See attachments 1 and 2, Sample Resignation Letter and Sample Resignation Email, for drafting guidance.)
Regardless of how an employee resigns, the employing agency must explain in writing their understanding of the resignation and provide the employee an opportunity to correct any misunderstandings. (See attachment 3, Receipt of Resignation, for an example of an acknowledgement of an employee’s resignation.)
When an employee submits a written resignation or otherwise indicates they are resigning and the employee does not specify the effective date, then the resignation is effective the following day. Otherwise, the effective date shall be the date supplied by the employee.
Once an agency acknowledges an employee’s resignation in writing, the resignation action shall be deemed complete. However, an agency may, at its discretion, void a resignation action upon request of the employee at any time prior to the effective date of the resignation. Attachments 4 and 5 illustrate how this process is completed.
Retirement is another form of a voluntary separation. In the District government, covered employees are eligible to retire if they meet the following conditions:
The District government provides retirement benefits to those employees invested in the following:
Employees hired after September 30, 1987 into covered positions are eligible for participation in the 401(a) Plan and become vested after one year of creditable service. Employees who separate from the District but return within one year of separation are restored into the 401(a) program immediately. For more information on the District’s benefits plans, contact [email protected].
As a professional courtesy, employees are encouraged to provide at least two weeks’ notice to the anticipated effective date of their separation from the District government.
The references section provides an enumerated list of hyperlinks to related content. The related content includes related issuances, opinions, regulations, statutes, and any other appropriate materials.
Issued by Interim Director E. Lindsey Maxwell II, Esq., D.C. Department of Human Resources on Oct. 31, 2022, 9:14 a.m.